Check My Benefits
We Can Check Your Insurance Benefits on Your Behalf.
We are often asked, “Does my insurance cover the hearing testing or hearing aids?”
We can verify your insurance hearing benefits for you prior to your first appointment. We are providers with most of the major insurance companies including BlueCross BlueShield, Aetna, United Healthcare, Medicare, Amplifon, and TruHearing. Often, we find that your insurance benefits may cover your hearing care as well.
Each insurance plan differs in that coverage. We find some cover the hearing test and hearing aids up to a certain amount. While we find that other plans cover the hearing test only. It can be confusing when trying to find out on your own.
If you or your loved one is suffering from hearing loss and unsure of your insurance coverage, we can find out for you.
We just need some basic information. Simply complete the form, we’ll verify your coverage, and then call you to share the news and schedule your first appointment.
We look forward to meeting you.